Service agreements
Many of our door automations have been operating smoothly for over 40 years.

Service and Maintenance Agreements
Our door mechanisms are built to last – but they will still need regular servicing and maintenance to ensure a long and hassle free operating life.
Our service team will check all doors for signs of wear and tear and you get priority access to spare parts if required.
Contact us to discuss your needs.
We offer three types of Automatic Door Mechanisms...

Automatic Sliding Door Mechanisms
Fully automated mechanisms for sliding doors are capable of opening doors weighing in excess of 5,000 Kg.

Automatic Swing or Pivot Door Mechanisms
Our range of automatic swing or pivot door mechanisms can opperate a wide range of door types up to 3,000 Kg.

Automatic Folding Door Mechanisms
Fully automated, available as hydraulic or pneumatic systems and capable of opening doors weighing up to 350 tonnes.